ABOUT A so-called “artificial intelligence summer” THE has been ushered in by advancements in areas such as machine learning, deep EVENT learning and neural networks. This has been facilitated by a marked reduction in the cost of computing power and readily available access to very large data sets. Machine learning of one sort or another has been machine learning can be applied at the micro-market happening within the financial arena for some time. Today, level to manage order flow and transaction costs. investment managers and trading operations can apply machine learning algorithms to a range of areas. At a higher level, the use of AI and deep learning raises ethical questions. Could the role of financial analysts This might include mining big data and the challenge of be replaced by smarter algorithms, and how would this extracting useful information from unstructured data, reshape the industry? From a regulatory perspective, what which could extend to social media content, and then grey areas could be opened up when machine learning how to find value using predictive analytics or trading. algorithms are used to police markets? The expanding big data universe opens a whole area of alternative datasets - what is out there, what is hot, what Newsweek’s AI and Data Science - Capital Markets is coming... conference will delve into each of these areas, providing insights from top level industry practitioners at banks and Other interesting areas include advanced quantitative hedge funds, as well as chief technical officers, academics methods of balancing portfolios and managing risk, or how and regulators.

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